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Whale Pod

The Whale Pod House, Aireys Inlet (01/2010 - Designed)

This design was considered to be a continually evolving object within the landscape, as the timbers that surround the building age, the dwelling will meld into the landscape.  The open carport enabled the building to float, to provide lightness to the building.  Visual bulk is also reduced via articulation of the form and a combination of glazing and screening.  The proposal is of high architectural standard and was well considered.


Morning and afternoon decks were provided at level 1.  Windows had been positioned under eaves and with shade screening for passive solar design.  The glazing also took advantage of potential views and avoid the use of artificial lighting in daylight hours.  Timber screens along with substantial eaves were incorporated into the design on the western edge, preventing the intrusion of invasive western light and heating during summer evenings.  A large double-glazed skylight extended over the hallway.  Good cross ventilation was achieved via openable doors & windows in habitable rooms and at either end of living spaces.