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Green Velvet House

The Green Velvet House, Barwon Heads (05/2016 - 12/2018)

The Green Velvet House is a family home. A cement sheet-clad, double-story volume with exposed structural timbers divides the façade into bays to create a meditative rhythm. This rests over a Bluestone plinth that conceals the basement and earths the dwelling. An existing depression in the site’s topography has been utilized to position the Garage/Storage and access via the driveway. The natural topography of the site, which varied significantly, has been largely left as it was. The orientation of the upper levels provides for extensive views over the Moonah and coastal Tea Tree canopy of the site and surrounding landscape.


The roof has a subtle twist which both mimics the contour of the site and also allows for passive solar design and weather protection. The generous eaves help to shade the glazing on the North and West elevations, with horizontal screening protecting the East facing windows from late morning sun in Summer. The gentler early morning sun is welcomed year-round, and penetrates deep into the elongated East façade of the home.


In response to the program, we have minimized the building footprint by efficiently consolidating the form, rather than creating a sprawling building that overtakes the site. Landscape fills the outlook from both the internal and external entertaining spaces. The master planning of the site ensures the North and West facing pool is able to be viewed from all living spaces, although is secondary to the green vista.
